priMe haBitat Builders is the Okanagan's Premier Net Zero & Passive House Design & Build Firm.
High-Performance Net Zero Energy Homes & Passive House Design|Build Services.
Passive House is the world's leading standard in energy-efficient construction!
"The Passive House Standard stands for quality, comfort and energy efficiency. Passive Houses require very little energy to achieve a comfortable temperature year round, making conventional heating and air conditioning systems obsolete. While delivering superior levels of comfort, the Passive House Standard also protects the building structure."
-passivehouse international org
As a custom home building company known for its quality and thoughtful building practices, priMe haBitat builders of Kelowna, BC is thrilled to have designed and built the first Passive House in the Okanagan!
Passive House Explained in 90 Seconds:
A good, short video on Passive House principles, and some of the benefits of high-performance housing.
How does Passive House differ from a Net Zero home? Check out our "Net Zero Design | Build page HERE
Passive House Design & Build
December 1, 2015